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Crash Course Electronics and PCB Design

Learn Electronics and PCB Design from the Ground up with Altium CircuitMaker and Labcenter Proteus
Andre LaMothe
61,416 Students enrolled
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Crash Course Electronics was designed for one thing — to take you from mystery to mastery in Electronics and PCB Design. This massive course was custom made for those interested in learning electronics from the ground up that wish to leverage that knowledge to build actual printed circuit boards (PCBs). There is no other course like this in existence that has the depth and breadth of Crash Course Electronics. The course starts with atomic physics and the electron, before you know it you are learning Ohm’s Law, circuit analysis, AC, DC, complex impedance, RC and RL circuits,  filters, amplifiers, transistors, FETs,  analog and digital theory — too much to list here! 

But, unlike other courses that are highly technical and math based. Crash Course Electronics was designed to be taken as a journey with the instructor. Each lecture building on the last, each new concept like a new puzzle approached in many different ways. The most complex topics and mathematical concepts are distilled down into understandable lectures and we have a lot of fun doing it! I had to learn this stuff at one point and remember how hard it was, so I approach each lecture as if we are both learning for the first time and make no assumptions about what you know or don’t know.

As we progress through the lectures, expect to see every circuit and idea worked out on the black board, virtually simulated (with Labcenter Proteus), and built by hand right in front of your eyes in high def, ultra clean video and audio. Not only will you learn all the theory and practical aspects of Electrical Engineering, but my 35+ years of experience with electronics will be downloaded to your brain with countless real-world tips and tricks that will take you from a hobbyist to a deep understanding of the subject matter. 

Then when we have all the basic electronic theory under our belts, buckle in for something you have never seen — we will build, not one, not two, but three complete products! We will talk about the design, the motivation, look up parts, background information, and then design the circuits together like colleagues, lay them out in Altium CircuitMaker, route them, verify and produce manufacturing files. If that wasn’t enough, we will take those files and go out on internet and send them to a number of online manufactures and get them ready for production, all you have to do is hit SUBMIT!

Last, but not least — the course is based on my college text book “Design Your Own Video Game Console” aka “The Black Art of Video Game Console Design” — this 800+ page book is included free of charge (the PDF version) with the course. Although, we won’t be talking about game consoles in this course, we will be using the text for its theory, electrical engineering and PCB design chapters.

Advanced Circuit Analysis Techniques and Tools
Electrical Engineering 101 - And Here Comes the Crash Course Part...Buckle Up!
Introduction to Digital Logic Systems, Boolean Algebra, Timing Diagrams and TTL
Taking Digital to the Next Level with Small, Medium, and Large Scale Integration
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!
11312 reviews
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Course details
Video 110 hours
Certificate of Completion
Full lifetime access
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